5 Reasons Why You Should Switch to SEO Content Marketing For Your Online Store

So, you’ve taken the plunge and started your own business. You built your website. You spent money on bringing in stock. Now you’re waiting for the sales to start rolling in. Cue the internet’s version of crickets. Chances are, in between registering as a business and researching what you want to sell, you forgot to come up with a viable marketing strategy. Luckily, we’re here to help. 

Instead of investing a few hundred dollars on a short-term solution, the best way to build your business is by coming up with a smart content strategy. The main reason for this is that organic web searches account for the highest percentage of site traffic. The best way to reach your customers is to let them come to you. 

Why Facebook Ads Won’t Build Your Business

Facebook ads require ongoing funding to keep running. In addition, thanks to a recent privacy update, your ads are no longer targeted at people who might actually be interested in what you’re selling. Furthermore, Facebook is unstable. You are relying on a third party to distribute your content and reach your target audience. But what about when Facebook goes down? Or the group you posted in no longer exists? Are you really in control of your marketing?

By relying on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram, you put your ads at the mercy of their algorithms. Small business owners have often found that Facebook holds their ads hostage. They’ve accused the site of showing their content to a minuscule percentage of followers unless they pay to “boost” ads. Additionally, the promise of “clicks” that comes with paying to reach a wider audience doesn’t always equate to authentic traffic. Many businesses found that the profiles that followed the links in their advertisement were fake or bots. 

Basically, while Facebook ads can mean more followers or likes on social media, it doesn’t necessarily translate into more sales. Ultimately, if you’re going to spend any kind of money on marketing, you want the end result to be more sales. 

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What Is a Smart Content Marketing Strategy?

If you want to minimize risk and maximize profits for your online store, the best way to do this is through an SEO content marketing strategy. The idea is simple. You post content to your website, blog posts, informative articles, how-tos, product reviews, and the like. Each post is optimized to come up on a Google search of a specific set of keywords. When someone clicks on your post, they are directed to your website.

5 Reasons Why SEO Marketing Is the Way Forward

In 2021, more people will buy items online than ever before. Ecommerce is, without a doubt, the way forward. Hand in hand with that is SEO marketing. Distinguishing yourself as a reputable business amidst a sea of fledgling start-ups is no easy feat. So let’s talk about five reasons why SEO marketing can help build your business from the ground up. 

1. Builds Credibility

Hardly anyone ever looks beyond the first page of search engine results. Beyond that, most internet users feel that the sites that come up are less trustworthy. Ranking higher can lend credibility to your business. Even better, ranking higher thanks to better content is considered more trustworthy than the little “sponsored” tag that says you paid to be there. Furthermore, quality content can boost your authority on a topic and make your brand seem more reliable. Creating a dedicated content portion of your website can help improve your business’s overall reputation. 

2. Increased Quality of Traffic

There’s a difference between winning the click and keeping the customer. A well-planned site that’s mobile-friendly and has a good navigation tool is more likely to encourage your click to engage with your site. The longer someone engages with your site, the more likely you will be able to convert that click into a sale. 

3. Cost-Effective

You can find a company that will analyze your niche market and generate content suitable to your target audience. On top of that, they can optimize your content to rank well on search engines. These companies are all reasonably affordable when you consider the long-term benefits of quality content. Furthermore, you’re paying to attract customers that actually want to see the content you have to offer versus paying to show people something they may or may not care about. You’re more likely to convert traffic into revenue when the customer on your site is primed to buy. 

4. Long-Term Solution

Social media ads run for a specific amount of time. If you want your ad to be seen by more people, you have to be willing to put up more money. Content doesn’t go anywhere. It’s always there, working to bring people to your site. Part of creating quality content is making sure that it will remain relevant to your brand for more than a week, a month, or even a year. You could generate clicks to your site three years from now. There’s no end to a content campaign. 

5. Competitive Marketing

Everyone else is doing it. It’s that simple. It’s not about whether or not to generate content; it’s about how to make sure your content is better than someone else’s. If you want to compete in your niche, you have to rank on search engines. Being on the first page of Google is make or break. In order to get there, you need to put out content that’s better than your competitors. 

Minimal Risk, Maximum Profit

The benefits of a smart content strategy far outweigh the cons. If you’re willing to put in the time to create content yourself and have some idea of how to optimize your content to rank on search engines, then it doesn’t need to cost you anything. However, even if you’re looking to pay an individual or company to help with your content strategy, it’s usually fairly cheap compared to other marketing avenues. Plus, when you consider the long-term benefits, it practically pays for itself. The more genuine traffic you can bring to your site, the more sales you’re likely to make.  

To get your business off the ground and compete against major brands, you need to be able to go head to head with them in all areas. You might have the better product, the better brand, the better business – but if you’re not generating traffic to your site, no one will ever know. The best way to organically build site traffic is through a smart content strategy. 

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